Oil&Steel S.p.A. was founded in 1995. From the outset it demonstrated outstanding qualitative and innovative qualities that in just a few years allowed it to rise to the top of the sector in Italy and, above all, in Europe.
In 1996, through its close attention to the evolution of the market, the company was the first to launch a range of tracked platforms equipped with hydraulic descent outriggers – the “Octopussy” line. Extreme compactness and versatility made this innovative machine a best-seller that is still the flagship product of the Oil&Steel range.
In mid-2003, the company was acquired by Autogru PM S.p.A., which then became PM Group S.p.A. The aim of this operation was to create the leading Italian group in the goods and people lifting sector.

The company decides to merge the two companies PM Group Spa and Oil&Steel Spa to become the current PM Oil & Steel Spa.